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Echo Lake Trailhead

Posted By: strayster2
Info: The Echo Lake Lodge is temporarily closed, and when I’ve arrived at ~3AM the past two weekends the parking lot has been gated closed. You can still start from the Echo Lake Trail on the West side of the lake, there’s parking along the side of the 103 road and the trail starts at the South end of the parking area. The start of the this trail is unmarked except for a sign that says "No Boating". The signage for the actual start of the trail is a few hundred feet away.
Posted By: daway8
Info: In case anyone is wondering - the new reservation system for Evans doesn’t affect Echo Lake - the booths for checking your reservations are still just past Echo Lake (and beyond the restaurant and small parking area across from it). Arrived well before sunrise and it was almost deserted even on 4th of July weekend but the entire place was busting at the seams by the time I got back at 11am (and despite the earliest reservation for Summit Lake being 8am, the lot was already almost full by the time I arrived on foot just before 5:30am. I didn’t bother to go look if people were arriving early with reservations on their dash or if anyone was being ticketed or what...)
Posted By: Urban Snowshoer
Info: I pedaled over to Echo Lake from Bergen Park today and dropped in for a cup of coffee at the local snack bar. According to the nice gentleman--I didn‘t catch his name--working behind the counter, CDOT expects to open the road to the summit sometime around late June. Apparently it‘s legal to walk or bicycle up the road right now; however, you probably--at least according to the source--would only get to about mile 7 right now.
Posted By: JQDivide
Info: The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) closed the top portion of the Mount Evans Highway - State Highway 5 - for the season on Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014, at 8 a.m.
CDOT closes the five-mile segment from Summit Lake to the top of Mount Evans (14,264 feet) the day after Labor Day, per agreement with the U.S. Forest Service. The remaining 10 miles, from Echo Lake (State Highway 103) to Summit Lake, will remain open until early October unless weather creates adverse driving conditions.
Posted By: BillMiddlebrook
Info: The Echo Lake trailhead is open year round. In winter, storms can cause CO 103 to be closed for short periods. CDOT usually gets it plowed soon.1/2

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