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Sandbeach Lake Trailhead

Posted By: kingshimmers
Info: The road is snow-packed but plowed to the park entrance station. A 2WD sedan can make it just fine. The little parking lot at the entrance station (which is the parking lot used for the Sandbeach Lake Trailhead) is plowed and the trailhead is well signed. Road is plowed for a little ways beyond the entrance station but not far.
Posted By: emgordon
Info: Wild Basin road still open past entrance and dry. No one at the booth.
Posted By: Eagle Eye
Info: Wild Basin TH closed. As I posted for the Longs Peak TH, the same applies at Wild Basin Area which serves Sandbeach Lake TH & Copeland Lake TH 9/22/2013 I found a barricade on the road closure leading to the trailhead/parking lot. The sign says: TEMPORARY CLOSURE: DUE TO FLOODING AND STRUCTURAL DAMAGE THIS AREA IS CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

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