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"East La Plata"

Most Recent Condition Updates
Route: Rock and snow route
Posted On: 6/6/2022, By: Skimo95
Info: Trail is 90% free of snow 
Route: La Plata - Southwest Ridge
Posted On: 8/18/2019, By: CheapCigarMan
Info: Dry sketchy loose dirt. Crumbly loose exposed rotted rock. The initial descent from La Plata Peak's summit is easy and straightforward. After that there are several towers, then a final 20' - 30' wall. After that it's an easy scramble to "East La Plata's" summit. Basically stay on the ridge proper on the initial tower (see photo) instead of dropping down the sketchy exposed loose dirt. From there stay on the south side of the remaining towers. I didn't see a way around the wall except to down climb it. Some say it's Class 3. In my opinion it was at least a Class 4 if not a low 5. I found it helpful that I am 6' 3" tall. The pics are of the initial tower, you can see the dirt route below beside the cornice, stay on the ridge. And of the wall. 
Route: from La Plata
Posted On: 6/12/2017, By: Eli Boardman
Info: The 3rd class sections are dry and loose. The easier part of the La Plata--E. La Plata connecting ridge has a corniced snow drift that provides easy walking as long as you stay far enough back from the cornice. I did fine both directions without any snow gear. Ellingwood ridge still has significant snow from what I could see, at least on the upper part. 

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