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 Peak:  Longs Peak
 Route:  Loft Route
 Range:  Front
 Posted By:  flintster
 Date of Info:  6/22/2012
 Date Posted:  6/23/2012

Longs via Loft Route with Mt Meeker thrown in for good measure.

No microspikes or anything needed. One "spot" of ice on the loft couloir - but unlike the misleading posts usually typed up here - the ramps are not icy. There is ice in 1 spot, but there are lots of spots to go around it. Loft to Keplinger's to summit of Longs was 99.99% dry - with some occasional snow melt running - but totally avoidable.

Comments or Questions
and meeker
6/23/2012 11:26pm
was totally dry as well.

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