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 Peak:  North Eolus (Unranked)
 Route:  South Ridge
 Range:  San Juan
 Posted By:  Will_Quillman
 Date of Info:  6/21/2021
 Date Posted:  6/25/2021

Summer conditions on most of the route, I put gaiters and spikes on before reaching the saddle. My buddies skirted off route on the rocks to avoid the snow, so you definitely do not need this equipment to climb at the moment. This route was a tad boring but you can make it a little more fun by climbing off route if you so choose, like we did. Started from high up in the basin around 5am, summited in approximately 2 hours, so topped out around 7am. Headed back down and rode the saddle over to Eolus.

#1) Off route scrambling to the saddle#2) Connecting ridge looking back on North Eolus#3) North Eolus from Eolus#4) The only portion I put gaiters and spikes on for#5) Trying to make this peak a little more exhilarating lol#6

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