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 Peak:  Mt. Parnassus
 Route:  Via Herman Gulch
 Range:  Front
 Posted By:  jmc5040
 Date of Info:  12/10/2012
 Date Posted:  12/10/2012

Snow of varying depths is encountered from Herman Gulch to the summit. The deepest pockets were approximately knee deep near treeline on the ridge. Wind was loading SE aspects all day. Due to the high winds the snow is thin once you get up on the ridge and continues that way until the summit. Careful route finding was needed on the ridge just above treeline as I got some very small slabs of snow to slid primarily on smooth rock/ice surfaces. Falling on these rocks was not preferred so I back tracked and choose another route through the rocky ridge. I choose not to put on spikes and did not wear snowshoes even though I had both with. The spikes would have been helpful in numerous spots.

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