taranichols_02 wrote:Look. We get it. You really hate Jon, and you’ll never see eye to eye with him. Point made. Yes, he’s a narcissist. Yes, he’s been a shitty person in the past on multiple occasions. Yes, that article was terribly written; he didn’t write that himself and it’s ridiculous to go on for page after page critiquing the bad editing of someone else and blaming him for it, for the sole purpose of nit picking his character even more. You hate him, WE GET IT. It’s called a brief bio; no, not everything in it is meant to be “brag worthy.” To come and “bump” this for the sole purpose of perpetuating a forum where the only purpose is to go on and on over analyzing and telling each other how much you hate him is a really sick personality trait. For goodness sake, be better than this guys. Enough is enough.
He’ll never change your minds and you’ll never change his about the skiing events of last spring. The new book and his presentation includes 13ers, 12ers, etc. It wasn’t just about the 14ers, it was more than just that. It really is a huge focal point for so many of you reading this to fixate on someone else’s life like this that has no bearing on your own. You hate him, you disagree with him, it’s ok. Move on and live and let be. Please, stop putting so much attention and time out of your own life into trash talking someone else. I’m sure you’re all pretty decent and respectable people with jobs and families. I don’t know you personally, I’m not judging you. But seriously, be better than this. Just because someone else has shitty character doesn’t mean you get a free ticket to stoop low too. Take the high road.
By the way. Hello, my name is Tara Nichols. Some of you might know me, some might not. I go by the alias Tara Dactyl. Go look anything up about me that you want, I encourage you to get to know me in person if you want to form any other opinions about me other than I’m an honest person that is trying to stick up for the good and I treat everyone that I meet respectfully. I’m an open book and I’ll never hide behind a computer screen or obscure username. I’m not doing any passive aggressive jabs at anyone, I’m just saying. Nice to meet you.
I know him better than anyone else here, and could be the first person to say no, he sure doesn’t deserve to be stood up for, but that’s not my point. I am not chiming in to convince you to change your minds and opinions on him at all, by all means keep on hating him. It’s not my problem, but honestly, stop jumping at the chance to start up new threads and just come here to bash him. Go do something that betters the world and is productive. I would do this for anyone wether they deserve it or not, I don’t think anyone deserves to have a hate forum spring up about them and their efforts to simply live out their passions (wether you agree with them or not) with good intentions to be sabotaged. I’m not here to defend him or change your minds about his actions and character. I come in peace and I hope none of you feel the need to come at me with any counter stances because I repeat, I’m not here to defend him.
If you’ve ever felt personally victimized by Jon or Regina George, you’ll probly never hear an apology or anything else you want to hear from him. So on his behalf, I’m sorry for the many of you that are deeply and personally offended by anything he’s said or done. You voiced your complaints, the presentation was cancelled, no need to dwell on him for years, be happy about yourselves. Move on, and let him do so also.
Everything about this post is awesome! Well said, Tara! Here's the thing though, Jon lied about something that would have been irrelevant if he'd just been honest about it. And there's a few folks around here who have worked harder than I can imagine to do things according to the standards set by guys like Lou and Dav and Ted, even when Dr Jon Kendrowski was either unwilling it unable to uphold them himself.
So, no, we're not going to let it go. We're going to stand up and say that Dr Jon failed. And it's not because we hate Jon, most of us don't even know him, but because we have, at least, the most vague appreciation for the combination of skill, luck, and giant freaking balls that it takes to ski them all from the summit. And that's something Dr Jon Kendrowski didn't freaking do, despite his claims to the contrary.