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- Posts: 23
- Joined: 6/25/2017
- 14ers: 40 17
- 13ers: 10
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Any recent pictures of the angel - shavano. Would ski if even a little remains for a hoot.
- Posts: 541
- Joined: 3/7/2009
- Trip Reports (0)
Re: Angel
I drove by it this afternoon. The head and looker's right arm are completely gone. The body and looker's left arm looked pretty skinny.
Every village has at least one idiot. Successful villages choose someone else to be their leader.
- Full Trucker
- Posts: 3
- Joined: 5/23/2019
- 14ers: 5 3
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Re: Angel
Taken during a bike ride today.
- Posts: 23
- Joined: 6/25/2017
- 14ers: 40 17
- 13ers: 10
- Trip Reports (0)
Re: Angel
Thanks! Ended up skiing it on the 16th and it was so much fun. Not much more snow than shown but almost to the ridge and a great exit.